The band performs privately, publicly, and competes across North America (G3, G4 and G5). We take great pride in all we have accomplished and realize there is always a higher level of excellence to be achieved. We strive to be humble and grateful for our members, our collective talents, our hard work, and the opportunities we have to perform and grow.

Our Mission dictates our priority, first and foremost is to honor our fallen comrades. Today, the Mission continues to serve as our foundation and inspirational goal for our members, families, friends and fans around the world. It guides our day-to-day progress and reminds us our efforts are woven into the lives of others. FOR OUR FALLEN is everything we stand for.

With the permission of Clan Mackay USA, Inc. the band honors the legacy of Dave McKee, Sr. by wearing the Mackay Ancient tartan. Read more about
#WhyMackay here.

‘Harmony’ is not about what’s lasting or permanent, it is about individual voices, coming together, for a moment, and that moment lasts…the length of a measure of music or a single note. ‘Heritage’ encompasses a rich tapestry of cultural elements that reflect the historical and traditional aspects of our identity.

Branding + Design by VAST.
Vast Design helped Wake and District represent who we are through a creative, strong and humble design which speaks volumes. The mark consists of the letters “F-O-F” making the shape of a shield. In the center is our checkered battenburg pattern worn by band members in our glengarry hats. The checkerboard pays tribute to the City of Chicago Police Department where one of our founding members served.
The mark represents everything Wake and District stands for, “For Our Fallen”.
Partnerships are formed between a number of individuals, agencies or organizations with a shared interest. There is usually an overarching purpose to work together on a range of specific objectives. Wake & District is proud of all of our partnerships established over the years who support our mission to honor our fallen comrades and promote cultural heritage and enrich our community by providing traditional Bagpipe and Drum music.
While our supporters do include all of our family, friends and co-workers — we would like to point out just a few organizations who continue to support our aims and objectives.