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Humble and Kind.

Updated: May 7, 2019

Sharing the note below from our Drum Major, Jason Lane who was officially promoted to Captain of the Raleigh Fire Department during a ceremony on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. Thanks for continuing to lead the way Jason. Thank you Chief McGrath for allowing the band to hold an impromptu parade in celebration.

Tim Mcgraw has a song about being humble and kind. I am no great writer but I just want to let you know how much I appreciate the world our band has exposed me to.

As a simple, small town boy who ended up as a public servant I would have never dreamed of one day being in a bag pipe and drum band. I would have never dreamed of meeting people from across our great country much less across the globe.

13 years ago when I went to the first meeting for this band Wake & District, it was to be part of something we never truly had here for our public safety families! A chance to bring tradition to our fire and police services. To honor our fallen brothers and sisters, to celebrate their accomplishments through music!

Over the years we have seen hundreds of people come and go in our band. We have seen founding members walk away due to life and life's struggles. But we have also seen many stay focused and steadfast with the mission and the music. We have grown leaps & bounds and even raised some young members into awesome adults! This band is not a hobby its a way of life! This band has helped me grow as a person and grow from a firefighter into a company officer by given me the confidence as a leader on the streets!

In my 13 years I never thought of the doors that have been opened for me. I have drank morning coffee with world champion bass drummers. I have learned under world champion drum majors. I have ridden police boats on patrol of Lake Michigan. I have stood in the mass bands circle at the National Police Memorial. I have become a ranking drum major at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial. I have learned under the drum major of the Scots Guards and march behind him. I have drank beers with the pipe instructor of the British Military school of piping. I have been a cast member of an international tattoo.

With all this being said I just want to say thanks for everything! If it wasn't for this band, this musical family we started 13 years ago I would have never been able to say I have met so many amazing people or done things that people only dream of doing! The pipe band world has opened so many doors for me, exposed my family to so many amazing things and has helped myself build life long friendships across the globe.

I am forever grateful and "humble and kind"

Jason Lane Drum Major Founding Member


Photo Credit: Mike Legeros

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