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We are Raleigh's Bagpipe and Drum Band!
We presently have 70+ members who come from all walks of life, bringing an indeterminate amount of experience with them.
Our members are police officers, lawyers, engineers, students, machinists, Doctors to name but a few and all are tremendous individuals who share the common goal of being a successful and competitive pipe band.
The band continues to exist thanks to the ongoing support of the public safety professionals throughout the Raleigh region; we are proud of our long history with them.
Each year the band participates in a number of events on behalf of the Public Safety Services. These events include recruit graduation ceremonies, awards and promotion ceremonies and community events. These kinds of events pay tribute to public safety professionals who have given their lives in service to others.
Wake and District is on the move – we field 3 competition groups; Grades 5, 4, and 3. We are always seeking musicians who can contribute at these levels and who are prepared to make a commitment to the band on and off the field. If you are interested in becoming a part of our program — tell us, ask us questions. Music is currently available upon request. If you wish to become a part of our group – do not hesitate to contact us. Local and long distance players welcome…