The pitter-patter of the pipes and drums were abundant this weekend in Chicago (as was the enveloping heat of the day). This contest marked an apex for Wake and District -- bringing home the Dave McKee, Sr. championship trophy.

It was fabulous seeing so many of the bands coming together; as we looked around, we saw no enemies – just good, old-fashioned rivalry. All of these bands are working harder. At each grade level bands and players are getting better and better — playing with so much more expression and musicality and the pipes and drums sounding bigger and brighter.
Thank you to Jim Sim and the Midwest Pipe Band Association and Chicago Scots for facilitating a day full of music and camaraderie. To Andrew and Patrick (and the rest of the members of the City of Chicago Pipe Band) we appreciate your fellowship. Make it happen in Scotland!
Congratulations to the Rocky Mountain pipe band for their 1st place finish in G2, Turlach Ur pipe band for their 1st place finish in G4 and Cincinnati Caledonian for their first place finish in G5. We were fortunate enough to place 1st in MSR, 2nd in Medley (best bass/midsection) and take home the the overall aggregate trophy. Click here to see full results.
To all the bands — lose the expectation everything in pipe band life should be easy. It rarely is. In fact, there are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Enjoy the challenge of your achievements. See the value in your efforts and be patient with yourself. And realize patience is not about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard on your dreams. It’s knowing deep down the work is well worth it in the end. Note mistakes and cigarettes will kill us.
From Piper Cameron Brown: I love my pipe band. A truly great weekend in Chicago at the highland games with a magnificent group of supportive, inspiring, talented, and tenacious musicians who have a passion for the craft and incredible focus. Not to mention we took 1st in the grade 3 competition. I could not be more proud of my bandmates.
We’re glad to have you Cameron — thank you!
Ken, Michael, Seth -- you are amazing people and I am grateful for your leadership and everything you do for our band to make it happen on and off the field.
We were on a mission.... Mission accomplished.